Saint Valentine, February the Month of Romance

February, the special month, considered as the month of love and romance. Saint Valentine’s Day is most remembered day of this month that happens to be on 14 of February. Saint Valentine is considered remarkable saint in both Christians and ancient roman tradition. They tend out to be three saints in the history of Catholic Church, who were imprisoned and martyred.


The story behind itself is legendary. It was in ancient times in Rome, the ruler Claudius II who used to rule Rome decided that unmarried men are more firm and sturdy than married men that have families. The emperor thought that men after being married could not devote him completely in forming a hard-hitting and tough army. Therefore, according to his rule set up no young men was allowed to get married. Taking this injustice situation under consideration, saint valentine defied Claudius II and started helping young men to get married secretly. When this secret act came in knowledge of Claudius II, he ordered that saint valentine should be imprisoned and should be sentenced to death for disobeying his orders.

Some stories reveal that saint valentine may have been assassinated for attempting Christians escape from cruel and harsh Romans, thus, was imprisoned, and brutally martyred.

For whatever the reason was, the era spent in jail saint valentine fell into love with jailor’s daughter, who was blind and saint valentine cured her. Before his death, he wrote a very touchy and loving letter to that young girl expressing his love and devotion for her, which was signed “From your valentine. “ This expression is carried out in the generations next. Valentine is considered to be a heroic figure as he did a noble deed.

This trend is followed almost every nook and corner of the world of expressing love, care and affection for the loved ones. Wishing and celebrating valentine day is common trend in the western world, though this has been followed in eastern world as well. This would be a controversial statement, if by looking at religious aspect of the eastern world. Yet, the basic motive and the theme line, that runs out to be is promoting love for every fellow being. The feeling of warmth and care that runs out between genders.

14 of February is more popular in the youth or young blood than the oldies. Gifts are exchanged between friends. Most romantic and exotic dinners takes place.

The concept of love can take place in any form whether it parental. Between brother and sisters or husband wife. The basic element behind is showing and expressing deep inner feelings of love and concern for others and loved ones. Communication is the vulnerable area of expressing love that has been made easy by the networking companies by giving SMS packages to their customers. Many valentine SMS gets in the pipeline that are forwarded to loved ones. The core value of Valentine’s Day is to spread love. This is what all religion promotes and it is our moral value as well.


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